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Diesel Mechanic & Heavy Equipment Technology

REYNOLDSVILLE, Pennsylvania | Jeff Tech | ID: 151998

Información general

576 VO TECH RD REYNOLDSVILLE, Pennsylvania 15851-6368
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Oficina de admisiones:
Capacitación en el Salón de Clases
Diesel Mechanics & Heavy Equipment Technology Certificate
Employment Skill Gain
Credential Skill Gain
Occupational Certificate/Certification
$5,300.00 - $5,300.00

Descripción del Servicio del Proveedor:

Jeff Tech is a public Career and Technical Education institution, governed by a Joint Operating Committee, located in Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania (Jefferson County). Jeff Tech provides training to secondary and adult students in a variety of career areas

Descripción del Servicio del Proveedor:

This is an instructional program that prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to the specialized maintenance and repair of trucks, buses, and other commercial and industrial vehicles. This program prepares entry level technicians for the Diesel/Heavy equipment field. The program includes instruction in basic vehicle knowledge/skills, diesel engine vehicles/equipment, suspension and steering, brake systems, electrical and electronic systems, preventive maintenance inspections, drive trains, HVAC systems, and auxiliary equipment installation and repair, and basic collision refinishing.

Habilidades y Competencias impartidas:

Diagnosis of diesel engine problems, repair of identified problems, state inspection procedures, and identification of diesel operated vehicles/equipment.

Información adicional

Detalles del Costo del Servicio


Medidas del Desempeño

The training Service/Course had no enrollments during the reporting period.
No performance information is available to review.