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Criminal Justice (Baccalaureate)

DU BOIS, Pennsylvania | Penn State University - DuBois | ID: 166530

Información general

1 COLLEGE PL DU BOIS, Pennsylvania 15801-2549
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Oficina de admisiones:
Capacitación en el Salón de Clases
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice
Employment Skill Gain
Bachelor’s Degree
$85,575.00 - $134,669.00
Training(Spanish Description of Trade)

Descripción del Servicio del Proveedor:

two year program that prepares its graduates to become engineering technologists who work as machine, product, and process designers; computer-aided drafting and design (CADD) operators; personal computer integrated manufacturing specialists; planners; t

Descripción del Servicio del Proveedor:

The Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice is the study of the adult and juvenile justice systems, including law enforcement, the courts, and corrections. It is interdisciplinary and includes understanding the intersections of law, public policy, and behavioral science, in an effort to understand crime as a social problem and improve these systems for the good of society. Students receiving a baccalaureate degree in criminal justice should understand each of the three main components of the criminal justice system and their interrelationships, be able to evaluate critically both current and future crime control policy proposals and criminal justice research, and understand the complexity of the crime phenomenon and its relationship to individual, social, and cultural factors. This major includes study in law enforcement, courts and corrections individually and as components of a system, plus work in theories of crime causation, and crime control policy. Students should expect reading, writing, and critical thinking skills to be rigorously applied and developed throughout the degree program.

Habilidades y Competencias impartidas:

Law enforcement knowledge, courts and corrections understanding as a system, policy, critical thinking skills.

Información adicional

Detalles del Costo del Servicio


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