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Police Science AAS Degree

HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania | HACC [Harrisburg Area Community College] | ID: 145301

Información general

1 HACC DR HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania 17110-2903
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Oficina de admisiones:
Capacitación en el Salón de Clases
Police Science AAS Degree
Employment Skill Gain
Associate’s Degree
$19,146.25 - $21,998.00

Descripción del Servicio del Proveedor:

HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, was established in 1964 and is the first and largest of Pennsylvania's 14 community colleges. HACC currently serves nearly 19,000 degree-seeking students and more than 6,000 workforce development students. T

Descripción del Servicio del Proveedor:

This programs allows students to obtain practical experience working in the HACC Criminalistics Laboratory, one of the best-equipped crime laboratories in Pennsylvania. Graduates are employed locally and nationally as municipal or state police officers, agents for specialized law-enforcement agencies, private investigators, private security supervisors, and evidence technicians. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS: This program may require the student to submit to an Act 34 Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Background Check prior to enrollment, prior to the start of a field experience, prior to testing and/or obtaining employment. The student should consider this factor before enrolling in this program. (Textbook costs & out-of-pocket expenses are estimated. Total cost information breakdown does not include any developmental coursework a student may need.)

Habilidades y Competencias impartidas:

This program specifically prepares students to discuss the history, philosophy, and organization of law enforcement and criminal justice systems; apply principles of police management and operations, demonstrate the collection and preservation of evidence, identify technologies used by police departments; practice the management and techniques of patrol operations; and distinguish between the various theories that identify the causes of criminal behavior.

Información adicional

  • 61 Créditos
  • 333051 - Police & Sheriff's Patrol Officers
  • 07/31/2021
  • Tiempo Completo, Tiempo Parcial, Diurno, Vespertino

Detalles del Costo del Servicio


Medidas del Desempeño

De esas personas que completaron el curso / programa,
100% obtienen una certificación de post-secundaria.
100% fueron empleados dentro de los seis meses después de completar el entrenamiento.