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Software Development & Information Management - BSI

WILLIAMSPORT, Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania College of Technology Williamsport | ID: 161863

Información general

1 COLLEGE AVE WILLIAMSPORT, Pennsylvania 17701-5778
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Oficina de admisiones:
Capacitación en el Salón de Clases
Software Development & Information Management Bachelor of Science Degree
Employment Skill Gain
Bachelor’s Degree
$87,549.00 - $122,578.00

Descripción del Servicio del Proveedor:

Pennsylvania College of Technology, a national leader in applied technology education and a Penn State affiliate, located in Williamsport.

Descripción del Servicio del Proveedor:

This Bachelor of Science in Software Development and Information Management exposes students to many computer science concepts in a hands-on environment while focusing on practical skills critical to success in today's IT workplace. This major provides students with strong programming and application development skills while also emphasizing the design, development, and maintenance of the data and databases integral to modern systems. The degree has also been designed to give students a background in database programming, mobile application development, system design and development, mathematics, sciences, information security, networking, web development, operating systems, data science, communication, and liberal arts.

Habilidades y Competencias impartidas:

Graduates of this major should be able to: Demonstrate knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to software and database development. Demonstrate proficiency in the core information technologies such as programming, networking, web development, database, and security. Analyze, assess, develop, deploy, and maintain secure software solutions for IT related problems. Apply necessary problem-solving, collaboration, organizational, and project planning skills to accomplish a common goal. Identify and explain the professional, social, ethical, and legal issues surrounding IT and the associated responsibilities of IT professionals. Consider management principles and their impact in the IT discipline. Communicate clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing, using language appropriate for the intended audience. Identify, evaluate, and explain the local and global impact of computing applications on individuals, organizations, and society. Identify and explain the need for continuing professional development in the IT discipline.

Información adicional

  • 17 hours/120 weeks
  • 151121 - Computer Systems Analysts
  • 07/31/2023
  • Tiempo Completo, Tiempo Parcial, Diurno

Detalles del Costo del Servicio


Medidas del Desempeño

De esas personas que completaron el curso / programa,
100% obtienen una certificación de post-secundaria.
81% fueron empleados dentro de los seis meses después de completar el entrenamiento.